SAP Utility functional and Technical consultant

SAP Utility functional and Technical consultant jobs in Houston TX

  • 05-03-2018
  • Contract
  • Houston, TX


The purpose of this job is to support the design, creation, and implementation of the NYISO/ New England ISO market into our existing SAP landscape. The solution will leverage the existing Texas/ PJM platform to host the customers of the Northeast brands and regions onto one, scalable National Platform. The National Platform will realize the business goals and position NRG for future strategic initiatives. The responsibility of the resources is to design, configure, develop, and test a Northeast solution specific to the NYISO/ New England markets.

Desired & Profile
  • NYISO/ New England subject matter expertise
  • SAP/IUT/CRM production experience
  • CRM/IC – direct ordering for Call Center environment
  • ABAP object oriented development > production experience
  • Experience SAP modules: FICA, IDE, Remittance processing, DM, SD, CRM
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